Talisman Games

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Player Account Sign-up

Welcome to Talisman Games!

Thanks for asking to play! We provide an on-line competitive gaming site, eventually with several different proprietary games to choose from (only the first one is available so far). Most of the games are turn-based strategy games with days of time to plan your actions between turns. Here at Talisman Games you get to play any or all the games you want for one low monthly fee of $5.00.

Please keep your account paid up-to-date, well ahead of time if feasible. If your account lapses you will no longer have access to any of your positions. Such ignored positions will suffer within the game system and will eventually be removed from the game (depending on the specific rules of each game). So keep your account and your game positions active for best results.

To continue, fill out the form below and press one of the "Create new account" buttons. If requesting a free trial, you will be taken to an email verification page. Or, if you're ready to go ahead and play then that button will lead you to a payment selection page detailing all your options for making your first month's payment. (Even if you pay right away you will still be able to obtain your free trial month by verifying your email later.) After you've created your account and arranged for your payment or free trial, you can proceed to your gaming home page where you can select the games that you'd like to play in.

If you wish to join in some of the conversations about Galac-Tac or PBM gaming in general, use the Contact Us button at the top of any page to find links to many discussion areas. The Discord system seems to be the best-attended place to join in at present.

Beta Test - Bonus Play Time!

Because we're new on the web and don't have very many players signed up yet, it may take a little time to gather enough competition for you to play against. We don't want you to feel like your monthly fee is being wasted while waiting for opponents. And of course we're still polishing up our games for the web and finishing up the web site, so this is really our beta-test time. So for a limited time, any new players that sign up and pay for at least a month's play time will get a bonus of twelve free months of play time added to their account. We hope this will make up for any waiting and other annoyances you might encounter in these early days. Of course, please encourage your friends to sign up right away as well, and they'll also get their free extra months, and will be able to play along with you.

(ALL information entered on this page is considered private and is used only by Talisman Games as needed to interact with you as a player.)

Login Information:

Login Name (handle)
Password desired:
Re-type Password:
(View minimum password restrictions)

Personal Information:    

(Required external contact information)
Real Name:
(The following information is completely optional
but is also requested in case additional external
contact is needed or requested by you)
Alternate E-mail:
Mailing Address:
2nd line:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:

Security Information:

(Your secret question & answer can be used to verify your identity if your password is lost, so make it impossible to guess or leave it blank to rely on email.)
Secret Question:
Secret Answer:


For user validation purposes,
please enter (below) the word
that you see in this image:
Captcha Image
It says:

Creating Your Account

You may pay for your first month's play now and begin play immediately, or you may verify your email address first to obtain a free trial month of play time (the free trial time will still be available later upon verifying your email). Your email address will be kept confidential and used only for communications with you as our player.